Plastic bank deploys ORISA® for drinking water in Haiti
Access to drinking water thanks to ORISA for the community of Ti Maska
Plastic Bank, a social enterprise founded in 2013 in Vancouver by David Katz and Shaun Frankson, works for clean water.Plastic Bank's business is the plastic clean-up of oceans and coastlines around the world. The plastic collected from beaches, oceans and unregulated landfill sites is monetised or exchanged for objects or services. In this way, the plastic waste collected becomes a resource and even a "currency" that helps to combat poverty. It is within this framework of the fight against inequality and poverty that Plastic Bank has deployed ORISA® water purifiers with its Haitian partners Konbit Plastik and the Haiti-New Jersey chapter of the association Partenaires des Amériques.
ORISA® water filter - distribution in Ti Miska, Haiti by Plastik bank - Fonto de vivo

The situation of access to clean water in Haiti
Haiti is one of the poorest countries in Central America and the world. The Direction Nationale de l'Eau Potable et de l'Assainissement (DINEPA) estimates that less than 50% of the country has access to drinking water. 50% of people consume water of dubious quality and/or collected under difficult conditions 74% of people have limited or no access to sanitary facilities and/or a healthy living environment.
Reducing waterborne diseases within familie
In the area, 50 ORISA® purifiers and buckets were distributed to the Ti Miska community of 286 people, including 167 children, living in the heart of the mountain. The community has no access to mains water or water treatment facilities. As a result, families, and children in particular, are regularly affected by water-borne diseases. Teams from Plastic Bank, Konbit Plastik and the association Partenaires des Amériques have trained the beneficiaries in the use and maintenance of the purifier. As a result, they have access to clean water, enabling them to enjoy better health.

"Access to water remains a major problem. David Monnier, former humanitarian, Chairman and co-founder of Fonto de vivo, is your point of contact for humanitarian programmes dedicated to access to clean water.

"Anthony Cailleau, French representative for projects in Colombia, Managing Director and co-founder of Fonto de vivo, contact for development aid and international cooperation.