Combating malnutrition
Malnutrition has serious consequences for health in the short and long term. In humanitarian contexts, the risks associated with malnutrition are exacerbated by the precarious conditions and crises faced by vulnerable populations, and NGOs are involved in treating patients suffering from malnutrition. During these specific programmes, access to clean water becomes essential. It is essential to guarantee the survival, health, food security, nutrition and well-being of people affected by humanitarian crises and emergency situations. Distributed to populations suffering from malnutrition, ORISA® water purifiers ensure a continuum between the care of patients in specialised centres and their return to their families. This is made possible by long-term access to clean water that minimises the risk of relapse.
Closely linked issues
Water, a vital resource for treating malnutrition
Drinking water is vital for human survival. Without access to a safe and clean water source, vulnerable populations are exposed to an increased risk of water-borne diseases, such as diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid fever and other infections that can lead to serious health complications and even mortality, especially among children and immunocompromised people. Water is a crucial issue in humanitarian contexts. In all programmes, whether they aim to contain an epidemic, promote access to education or combat malnutrition, water is a common denominator that determines the success of a humanitarian intervention, since the lack of clean water has dramatic consequences for nutrition and reinforces the consequences of malnutrition.
Sufficient hydration
Hydration is essential to maintain vital physiological functions and prevent dehydration.
Healthy eating
Access to safe water on a daily basis is fundamental to ensuring a healthy, balanced diet.
Nutritional deficiencies
In regions where water is scarce or contaminated, populations are faced with nutritional deficiencies.

James P. Grant, former Director of UNICEF
"Malnutrition is a silent killer that strikes millions of people every year, especially children. It is a gross injustice that we have the means to combat and eliminate." - James P. Grant

ORISA® water purifier
✔️ Manual ultrafiltration at demande
✔️ Collective or family
✔️ 3L/min and 180L/heure
✔️ 20,000L of water per ultrafiltration membrane
✔️ LOG 8 - 99.999999% efficiency: bacteria and protozoaires
✔️ LOG 5 - 99.999% efficiency: virus
✔️ Innovative integrated cleaning achieved in less than 30sec ✔️ Can be dismantled and repaired
Safe water for the care and treatment of malnourished people
As early as the screening phase, to identify the most vulnerable populations and detect cases of malnutrition, our water purifiers provide healthy water so as not to worsen their general condition.
Once malnourished people have been identified, they receive appropriate medical treatment. This may include ready-to-use nutritional supplements, therapeutic foods and medication to treat medical complications. Safe water plays a crucial role in providing this care by limiting potential over-containment.
In addition to medical treatment, nutritional rehabilitation programmes to treat severe acute malnutrition can be implemented. These provide appropriate therapeutic foods and regular monitoring to assess the effectiveness of the interventions and subsequently adjust the treatment plans accordingly.
In addition to medical care, supportive care and nutritional education can be provided to families. This includes advice on diet and hygiene, awareness-raising sessions on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding and the introduction of nutritious complementary foods for infants and young children. Without clean water, these families will be unable to apply this advice.
Our deployments to combat malnutrition

Deployment of 973 ORISA® water purifiers to provide clean water to mobile clinics and malnourished families in Madagascar.

Malnutrition affects more than 811 million people worldwide. Let's talk about your humanitarian programmes to tackle this scourge.

A filtration solution to treat malnutrition
The ORISA® water purifier is particularly well suited to malnutrition because of its ability to provide safe, healthy water quickly and efficiently. People suffering from malnutrition are often more vulnerable to water-borne diseases because of their weakened immune systems. By eliminating pathogens from water, the ORISA® purifier reduces the risk of contracting diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera and gastrointestinal infections, which can exacerbate malnutrition. What's more, its ease of use makes it accessible even in contexts where resources and infrastructure are limited. By effectively purifying water without altering its chemical composition, the ORISA® purifier preserves the essential nutrients present in water, helping malnourished people to recover. By providing safe, healthy water, the ORISA® purifier helps to reduce the risk of further health complications. It therefore helps malnourished people to recover more quickly and effectively.