Humanitarian programmes
Our water filtration equipment is integrated into humanitarian programmes in response to different challenges, where access to clean water is essential both for the implementation of operations in the field and, above all, for the living conditions of the beneficiaries.

Enabling families to be self-sufficient in water in isolated areas, in rural areas or for transhumant populations.

Limiting the spread of infectious and water-borne diseases (cholera, hepatitis E, typhoid, dysentery, etc.) to preserve and restore people's health.

Protecting the health of people who are frail, ill or undergoing treatment by providing them with healthy water.

To enable pregnant and breast-feeding women, young children and every human being to have access to safe water to stay healthy and ensure the proper development of children and their families.

Promote access to safe water in schools and within families to enable the education of every child.

Providing clean water when infrastructure is damaged or destroyed, or when it is overstretched, particularly when there is an influx of refugees.

Following a climatic hazard, access to water networks is often dysfunctional or impossible. What's more, some populations are in a very precarious situation as a result of the effects of climate change.

Enabling greater security and responsiveness thanks to a stockpile pre-positioned in a country to deal with an unexpected or threatening situation (conflict, climatic hazard, epidemic, etc.).

NGOs, partners in the design of our WHO-approved solutions
To ensure the performance and adaptability of our ORISA® water filtration equipment in a humanitarian context, we designed it in response to specifications drawn up with major French and international NGOs : Médecins sans Frontières, the French Red Cross, Solidarités International, Médecins du Monde, Handicap International, Terres des Hommes Lausanne and Premières Urgences.
In this way, we have developed solutions that are tailored, autonomous, sustainable and individualised, or adapted to a massive response for humanitarian emergencies , but also to meet rural development needs. We help to put in place a response that goes beyond your intervention.
Thanks to this perfect adaptability, ORISA® has been awarded the "Complete protection: three stars" performance level in the World Health Organisation's (WHO) international assessment programme for domestic water treatment technologies (HWTS round III).