ORISA® water purifiers at the service of NGOs and local communities

Since 2021, ORISA® purifiers have been deployed by international NGOs and local associations as part of development and humanitarian emergency programmes.

Following the deployment of more than 24,000 ORISA® purifiers in 60 countries

The feedback collected between 2021 and 2024, highlights that ORISA® is particularly suitable, if not the best solution, in the following situations:

  • Everyday home water filtration equipment.

    For families in rural or peri-urban areas, as well as nomadic populations who have no access to water.

  • Community water filtration solution for collective establishments

    In schools, health centres, humanitarian camps, emergency bases, etc.

  • Emergency equipment for Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM)

    For epidemics or disasters (climatic, conflict-related) until the situation is restored.

  • Collective or family emergency stock

    In response to precariousness and disasters requiring emergency intervention.

A complete range for great durability

We have developed ORISA® water purifiers in response to specifications drawn up with the involvement of major French and international NGOs : Doctors Without Borders, the French Red Cross, Solidarités International, Médecins du Monde, Handicap International, Terre des Hommes Lausanne, Premières Urgences
What's more, we have developed a range of sustainable solutions to ensure the continuity of our commitments beyond humanitarian operations. We offer dedicated filtration equipment, as well as accessories and spare parts that are both sustainable and repairable.

  • Fresh water treatment wherever you are

    ORISA® purifies rainwater, surface water (streams, rivers, lakes, ponds) and groundwater (water tables, wells) from microbiological contamination and suspended solids and micro-plastics.

  • High-performance

    Weighing just 2kg and measuring 42.5cm, ORISA® has a highly effective ultrafiltration membrane that eliminates micro-organisms that can cause health problems. LOG 8: 99.999999% of bacteria and protozoa eliminated; LOG 5 99.999% for viruses.

  • Filtration efficiency

    Pre-filtration: 50 μm

    Ultrafiltration : 0.01 μm (5000 times smaller than a human hair)

    Turbidity before filtration: 1 to 50 NTU (optimum performance)

    Turbidity after filtration: < 0.1 NTU

  • Manual pumping

    To filter water, the ORISA® water purifier requires nothing more than arm strength. A very moderate strength, since even a child can use it easily, as our deployments in schools and families have shown.

  • 3L/min - 180/L per hour

    The filtration rate depends on the turbidity of the water to be filtered, and can be as high as 3L/min, even for water with a high turbidity index, if it is pre-filtered. Integrated cleaning maintains filtration efficiency.

  • Sustainable system

    An ultrafiltration membrane that filters 20,000 litres of water and can be replaced to ensure the longevity of this durable water filtration system. This makes it an excellent device for both collective emergencies and long-term family use.

  • Integrated cleaning

    ORISA® has an integrated cleaning system based on a manual backwashing operation. The direction of water flow is reversed to unclog the membrane pores and considerably extend its life.

  • Approved by the WHO

    Approved by the WHO's international assessment programme for domestic water treatment technologies (HWTS round III), which awarded ORISA® the "Complete protection: three stars" performance level.

  • Laboratory tested

    The effectiveness of our water filtration equipment has been verified by the Institut Pasteur, whose tests reveal optimal filtration of biological contamination and suspended matter.

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A simple but ingenious system

  • Pumped filtration

    1. Constant water circulation for limited clogging.

    2. No point of contact between dirty and filtered water to limit the risk of recontamination of clean water.

  • Pressure build-up for cleaning

    Backwashing phase 1: Pressurising the clean water tank to backwash the ultrafiltration membrane.

  • Decompression and backwashing

    Backwash phase 2: Reversal of the water flow direction to unclog the pores of the ultrafiltration membrane.


Designed for most water installations

Thanks to its filtration capacity and the versatility offered by its accessories, ORISA® can be adapted to most water storage and supply installations and devices.

The water to be filtered can be collected and stored before treatment using an elevated, semi-buried or buried cistern, a well or a borehole, or using a water tank.

What's more, it can be adapted to most containers: buckets, jerrycans, kettles, etc.

Our accessories can be used to offset water pre-filtration or to connect ORISA® to a (non-chlorinated) water tap, for automated filtration.

Ease of use at the cutting edge of innovation.

  • Manual pumping

    Quick start-up, simplified and immediate filtration and instant maintenance.

  • Integrated cleaning

    Backwashing in just a few seconds, on a daily basis, greatly increases longevity.


Packaging tailored to your logistics needs

We know that every humanitarian mission is unique. Our teams are constantly adapting to the specific humanitarian context. That's why we tailor our packaging to the volume of ORISA® water purifiers that need to be deployed, so that logistics are as straightforward as possible.

  • Unit packing


    Perfect for individual deployments for associations.

  • Packaging per box

    5 grouping box

    Suitable for small-scale group deployments.

  • Minimum palletisation

    Pallet 80x120cm
    3 layers - 120 units

    Ideal for medium-sized community or family deployments.

  • Maximum palletisation

    Pallet 80x120cm
    4 layers - 160 units

    Suitable for large-scale community or family interventions.

David MONNIER, Chairman and co-founder of FONTO DE VIVO

The experience of a humanitarian aid worker

David Monnier is your point of contact for the deployment of ORISA® water purifiers in humanitarian programmes.

A former humanitarian aid worker, he has contributed to numerous water access missions.

"Access to water remains a major problem. We provide autonomy to people whether they are in emergency or humanitarian development situations".