What is the Karito programme?

Karito (charity in Esperanto) is our solidarity programme, which consists of donating 1% of our annual turnover to water access projects.

In 2024, 20 ORISA® water purifiers were donated to 4 different projects.

Find out more about the programme

Retour sur les donations Karito 2024

Voici un récapitulatif des donations réalisées dans le cadre du programme Karito au cours de l'année :

Date d'envoi Organisation bénéficiaire Don Pays Contexte
19 juin 2024 Brasimpex 4 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® Brésil Accès à l'eau pour la communauté Quilombo Guarimã
31 juillet 2024 AMODDOU 1 purificateur d'eau ORISA® Bénin Caravane médicale
11 octobre 2024 Première Urgence Internationale 5 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® Mali Soutien humanitaire
19 novembre 2024 International Organization for Migration 10 purificateurs d'eau ORISA® Nigeria Accès à l'eau pour des populations déplacées

Initial distribution of water filters renewed on a larger scale

Thanks to the Karito programme, 4 ORISA® purifiers were donated to our partner Brasimpex as part of a roll-out of 5 units in the Quilombo Guarima community.

To support this project, public players provided training in good hygiene practices and the importance of drinking clean water. The purifiers have enabled the beneficiary community to have access to clean water, thereby reducing the incidence of water-borne diseases.

Follow-up visits were carried out to assess how well the beneficiaries were adapting to using the ORISA® water purifiers, and following a positive assessment, a further 25 units were deployed in this Brazilian community.

Discover the project

The ORISA® water filter in a medical caravan

At the beginning of January 2025, the Amoddou association travelled to Benin as part of its 3rd medical caravan.

In 2022, the association had already benefited from an ORISA® water filter during its medical caravan to Guinea.

ORISA® was used to provide healthy water to those receiving treatment, but also to give the Amoddou team access to clean water, free from viruses and bacteria.

Discover the project in Guinea

Deployments in progress


Purifying water with ORISA® in Mali


ORISA® for access to clean water for displaced populations

Cap on Karito 2025

For the coming year, we would like to direct donations towards children's projects

More than a dozen projects already completed

Supporting children in the face of the water crisis

To defend children's fundamental rights, access to water, sanitation and hygiene is essential for their health, dignity and education, the pillars of a fair and sustainable future.

Discover our projects for children

A humanitarian project? Do you have a question?

Tell us about your humanitarian concerns, the needs of your programmes to supply your emergency kits, your long-term solutions or your contingency stocks.

Anthony Cailleau

‘Adapt and make affordable filtration technologies for everyone's uses, to meet the social and ecological challenges of our time.’

Managing Director and co-founder of Fonto de vivo. French representative for projects in Colombia. Contact for development aid and international cooperation.